choregraphy ©, addresses your innovation challenges with methodological, collaborative, narrative and creative attitudes.
We are committed to 5 paths of transition:
— Disability and Inclusion
— AI and ecofeminist robotics
— Caring for carers
— Inclusive and user-friendly digital
— Ecological/economic transition
Some of our current subjetcs :
— experiential care
— experiential ecology
— purpose-driven company
Consulting (1)
Support module for the design of an innovative project, a new entity, a new service or a new offer through the methodology - We design experience.
3 months, 5 days or 1 day of engagement of your employees.
— Employee and customer experience at La Banque Postale
— Visitor experience at the Jardin des Plantes
— Research experience in a laboratory
— Experience as a carer or patient in a hospital
Research (2)
Work from management sciences, social psychology, and design.
Setting up a POV (proof of value) and pilot experiments through co-design, experimentation and evaluation protocols
Chair in Caregiver's Experience Design, 2030-40 China-Japan-US-France prospective study
Partnership (3)
Transformation module and support for the implementation of a new governance and managerial culture through the skills of experience design and the mission-based company
Community of mission-based companies, Scenary our community, Rage to exist
choregraphy ©, our method means – We design experience, find new inspirations and connect very different worlds : management, C-K & industrial design, living arts, design et entrepreneurship.
It is inspiring and learning. It is reassuring and empowering. Vizualize our experience design barometer to auto-evaluate !
Identifying the strategic intentions of the organization and clarifying the stakeholders in double empathy
« double empathy »
Co-immersion/ Co-investigation
Observe and explore the universe, needs and desires of transmitters and receivers, as well as the technological bricks useful for the project
« problem space »
Scenario mapping
Scripting current experience, main characters, inspirations and identifying levers of opportunity
Scenario envisioning
Scripting, formulating and visualizing the desirable target experience and modelling the possibilities with C-K and 5 journeys
Solution space
Mocking up the main points of contact of the target experience and identify the roadmap
Submitting potential assumptions to potential users and iterate
Go to market
Tell us, about your transformation projects (social, societal, environmental), transitions, innovation. We are an experienced and agile partner. We are pioneers. We are committed to energizing industries with humanistic and progressive social models.
"Choreographing work and business to transform society".
1re SOSE (mission-led company with extended corporate purpose)
Story Room | 67, rue Lamarck
75018 Paris
Géraldine Hatchuel
Follow our projects on social networks…
Instagram Facebook Youtube Linkedin
After ten years of practice of design and innovation in large industrial groups and start-ups and a background in innovation management, entrepreneurship and design, academic research and teaching, Géraldine Hatchuel founded in 2016 Choregraphy — we design experience ©, study of innovation that proposes to rethink innovation management and strategy through the tools, language and approach of experience design.
Discover the book "Le design d’expérience : scénariser pour innover", Fyp Editions 2018, here!, and the podcast!
Graphic design: Zoo - Code writing & animation: Julian Garnier – Design of the experience: Choregraphy
choregraphy ©, – We design experience is an agency which provides consulting, research and partnership in experience-driven innovation.
We conduct experience design workshops i.e. co-designing vision and scenarized strategy with stakeholders. We visualize experience scenarios for cutting edge and innovative offers, services and experiences (physical or digital).
Our forward-thinking research in social psychology, management and innovation means we can train and support your teams in design methods.
At our Story Room, an adult playground, we conduct and operate human-centered design processes, offering a "transformative" experience for both your employees and experiencers.
We adapt complex methods and tools to fit your exploration challenges.
You benefit from new approaches and fresh perspectives when looking at your problems.
Discover our 2022-23 portfolio.
Our pedagogic, academic and research references for all types of profiles designers, managers, engineers:
Read our 2022 mission-purpose report certified by an independant audit (OTI in French)
- Experience design at ENSCI: French school of design: 1st introduction of the concept in 2013 for the « Innovation by Design » Master
- Design Thinking and Innovative Design at ESCP EUROPE : 1st course designed for EMDIEL European Master in Digital Innovation and Leadership in 2016
- Design thinking and Fast-prototyping at AgroParisTech and Ecole Polytechnique since 2014

Géraldine Hatchuel
Choregraphic Storyboarding ©
- Experience designer and entrepreneur
- Prof and author: Le design d’expérience, scénariser pour innover
- invented the waffle pan and speaks at least 5 different dances
- lives and works in Paris-Montmartre

Esther Bacot
Drawing is deciding ©
- Designer and designer
- translates complex ideas into pretty drawings
- co-won the Emile Hermès Prize and the Jean Prouvé Prize
- lives and works in Paris

Alexandre Lambert
From experience to prototype ©
- Ingenious Designer or Design Engineer
- Specialist of the second diamond
- gave birth to small and large objects
- lives between the earth, the clouds, Toulouse and Paris

Virginie Cai
Junior Experience Designer
- Graphic designer and junior experience
- Postcards and emotions creator
- Grateful time at mirror hours
- Full time citizen of the Earth

Clémence Gueidan
Co-designing is exploring ©
- Expert in co-design
- Storyteller
- Solution finder
- Capillary unstable

Lucas Riway
Say "Yes and" is improvising
- Philosophy teacher by day, and improviser by night
- Improvisation teacher by day, and philosopher by night
- Or vice versa

Louise Bulteau
Let's communicate ©, video and magazine
- Graphic designer / motion designer
- made his mark in industrial design at the Ateliers de Paris
- makes you smile with his animated illustrations with unexpected details
- lives in Paris and dreams of opening a graphic arts gallery in Montreal